Adventures in Time and Gender

Trailer - Adventures in Time and Gender

Episode Summary Teaser trailer for Adventures in Time and Gender, the upcoming time travelling trans history drama podcast series. Performed by a trans and non-binary cast, developed with a group of trans and non-binary young people, written by Jason Barker and directed by Krishna Istha.

Episode Transcription

Written by Jason Barker. Directed by Krishna Istha - October 2020

♪ Here is the beginning of our adventure ♪

♪ You and I, we're a story ♪

♪ We turn time around, it's our time ♪

NARRATOR: Hello! I'm Sam Crerar and I play the Narrator.

SUITCASE: And I'm Emma Frankland and I play a time travelling suitcase.

NARRATOR: And our upcoming podcast is called

SUITCASE: Adventures in Time and Gender.

NARRATOR: Back in March 2019, there were a series of workshops for young trans and non-binary people exploring the history of science and gender. The group said that they wished that everyone knew that trans people have always existed and so that became our mission.

In Adventures in Time and Gender, Suitcase and I would like to take you on a trip through time and space, meeting trans people from history and some of the doctors and experts who have shaped the way that western society thinks about us.

[time travel whoosh]

CHEVALIER D'EON: Hello Darlings! Welcome to 1785, London.

[time travel whoosh]

HARRY BENJAMIN: I’m Harry. Harry Benjamin, and this is Alfred Kinsey.

ALFRED: KINSEY: Oh hi, hello there. You might know me from the Kinsey Scale.

[time travel whoosh]

MAGNUS HIRSCHFELD: Hello, my name is Magnus Hirshfeld. In 1910 I invented the term transvestite and in 1919 I opened my Institute of Sexology.

[time travel whoosh]

UNKNOWN: So ah, what are you and your talking suitcase looking for?

NARRATOR: we're hopi-

SUITCASE: We're hoping to find the very first ever trans person.

NARRATOR: Sounds a bit silly now though.

UNKOWN: Of course trans people have always existed. I know that and you know that, we're nothing new.

[time travel whoosh]

SUITCASE: So come and join us on our incredible journey in whatever time period you find your podcasts.

♪ We turn time around, it's our time ♪